Tuesday, October 03, 2006



I am late to the blogging game, but better late than never.

First, introductions.

I am an introverted person, prone to creating shallow stereotypical caricatures of myself for others to "get" me. The real me is much deeper, but in my hubris I decided long ago that most people will not understand where I am coming from. Existing "comfortably" in the social groups that surround me, I've found it necessary to build the requisite strawmen for people to knock.

I grew up in the Northeast, schooled in some of the finest American institutions of learning, from prep school through law school. Sometimes more, sometimes less, I squandered these opportunies for learning, having been far too immature to deal with the masses of goal-oriented individuals. Looking back now, I'm not sure whether it would have been better for me to skip college and law school altogether, but the very question belies my educational background. Suffice it to say, I've had little of the benefits of attending said institutions except for the name value, which has hurt me as much as it has helped.

Second, the "why?"

Having few outlets for expression, I've decided that the confusing dialogue that runs continuously through my head has left enough litter. Better one strand of thought put to page, than a dozen competing thoughts whose battle for "mind-time" has left me scatter-brained.

Finally, a word to readers:

I will make no apologies for my thoughts on this blog. It is merely an avenue for expression, and not a means of communication. As 'mere" expression, the words that I will write have no value except what is intrinsic. Discourse on this page can be entertaining, but this page is for expression and not really for debate or discussion. There are better tools for communication, after all.


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